Who We Are

Subtrak, Inc. is a software technology company that creates modern solutions for the construction industry. It was founded by Jon Engquist and Jared Lindo in 2022. Subtrak’s founders have extensive experience in the worlds of construction and web design, which provides Subtrak with firsthand knowledge of the innovative products it creates.

Jon Engquist grew up in his family’s commercial roofing business and has over 15 years of experience working at every level of construction — from intern to ownership. Because of this journey, Jon has a unique understanding of the pain points that contractors and their teams face in day-to-day operations.

Jared Lindo’s extensive web design knowledge allowed him to start Siro Solutions, a full-service web development firm, in 2008. Jared brings his comprehensive understanding of not only how to design beautiful and intuitive web applications, but also a profound understanding and love of the tech world.

What Is Subtrak?

In the simplest terms, Subtrak is a process management software as a service that is specifically designed for the construction industry. It allows small- and medium-sized contractors to systemize their business by creating, automatically delegating, and tracking the completion of tasks within their core operational workflows.

All successful construction companies have a standardized way they process projects and intra-office operations. Not all do it the same way, but they certainly have a repeatable process that has been refined over time and works for them. We call this the company’s “special sauce” and it’s what makes one contractor more efficient and profitable than their peers over time.

Through the creation of workflows and standard operating procedures (SOPs), Subtrak aims to help contractors document their “special sauce” in a customizable way that is actually useful to themselves and their employees in day to day operations. Keeping SOPs updated and readily accessible is vital, because there is no point in simply having them if they just get filed away, never to be seen again.

Who Needs Subtrak?

It probably doesn’t need to be said, but running a small- to mid-sized construction company is HARD. Owners often have to wear multiple hats: running projects, keeping track of finances, making sure the work keeps coming in, etc. And even when they hire capable employees to take over some of those tasks, they still have to train, manage, and hold their team accountable to make sure standards and deadlines are being met.

Many contractors start a construction company to give themselves and their families a better life. But how can contractors obtain that better life when they’re always burnt out, not just from their own day to day responsibilities, but from training and managing employees and putting out other peoples’ fires? We made Subtrak to help with this exact problem.

We want small business owners to take back their time, so they can spend less of it working in their business, and more time working on their business.

Why Subtrak?

We love the construction industry and want to see the individuals who make it run thrive. That’s why we set out to create a process management software that is more useful and more customizable than any other out on the market today.

While there are many construction management softwares to choose from, they all have two major problems.

First, none of them provide a way for companies to explain when, why, or how an employee is supposed to use the software. Losing this key context leads to long ramp up periods for the software’s adoption, unreliable or incomplete data entry, and ultimately, missed deadlines.

Subtrak fixes all of that with automated due dates, integrated standard operating procedures, and a way for companies to communicate a holistic view of their processes to their team, all in one easy-to-use platform.

Second, many construction project management softwares are sadly “one-size-fits-most”. They tend to come with a lot of features, but none of them ever end up being quite right for every business. The lack of customization leads to contractors having to spend too much time adjusting their systems to fit the software’s rigid framework, rather than the other way around.

Subtrak was built with a contractor-first mindset. Our software is fully-customizable to the business processes that have already proven to work for you. Simply put, we want you to keep doing what you’re doing, only better, with Subtrak.

Would I Benefit from Subtrak?

Subtrak has several benefits for the small- to medium-sized construction office:

  • Ensure that no vital tasks are missed by replacing each employee’s “mental checklist’’ with an automated to-do list that clearly displays what to do, when it’s due, and how it needs to be done.
  • Track projects and processes at-a-glance, eliminating the need for countless status updates and trivial emails between colleagues.
  • Speed up training and on-boarding processes from day one with documented processes and standard operating procedures.
  • Hold direct reports accountable by measuring task completion efficiency.
  • Improve employee buy-in by showing them how their efforts fit into the overall success of a given project or the company as a whole.
  • Increase the efficiency, predictability, and value of your company.

What’s Next for Subtrak?

We plan to launch Subtrak for its pre-launch release in the summer of 2023. It will be opened up to Founding Members first. In addition to priority access to the pre-launch release, Founding Members will receive 25% off their Subtrak subscriptions — for life!

If you are interested in becoming a free Founding Member (limited to 100 members) and using Subtrak to improve the efficiency of your business, sign up today at http://subtrak.com.

Why We’re Building Subtrak was originally published in Modern Contracting on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.